Visitation Team
1. To show the love and message of Christ through fellowship.
2. To help those who are in Nursing Homes, Rehabs, Hospitals and Homebound, stay and feel connected with their “family” church at GUMC.
3. To be an example of Jesus and “let our light shine” to persons we visit, staff, families of those we visit, and other residents.
4. To provide a supportive and informative role to our pastor in helping him stay in touch with the changing needs or status of those who are in Nursing Homes, Rehabs, Hospitals and Homebound.
Visitation to nursing homes, rehabilitation facilities and to our homebound will center on an ongoing weekly to monthly schedule developed by the Visitation Team. Hospital visitation will be determined on a day-to-day need as noted below.
The Visitation Leader will assign a particular week for you to plan your visits or you can sign up ahead of time on the Visitation Listing at the Welcome Center to best meet your schedule.
The Visitation Leader will stay in communication with the Pastors and the Administrative Assistant to identify any changes in the status/location of those on the Visitation List.
Homebound: It is recommended that you call in advance to provide them with an estimated time for your arrival at their home and to ensure that your visit does not conflict with something else they may have planned. Try to team up with one other person when providing homebound visits.
Hospitals: For those visiting at the hospital, please call the Administrative Assistant, 432-8664 and confirm who is on the Church’s visitation list and the room number. This information is usually available by 10 A.M.
Nursing Homes/ Rehabilitation: Follow the listing in your Sunday Bulletins for persons and locations. If there has been a change that we know about, you will be notified by the Visitation Leader.
Also, if you note a change in status/ location of the person you are visiting, contact Administrative Assistant, [email protected] or 814-432-8664
1. To show the love and message of Christ through fellowship.
2. To help those who are in Nursing Homes, Rehabs, Hospitals and Homebound, stay and feel connected with their “family” church at GUMC.
3. To be an example of Jesus and “let our light shine” to persons we visit, staff, families of those we visit, and other residents.
4. To provide a supportive and informative role to our pastor in helping him stay in touch with the changing needs or status of those who are in Nursing Homes, Rehabs, Hospitals and Homebound.
Visitation to nursing homes, rehabilitation facilities and to our homebound will center on an ongoing weekly to monthly schedule developed by the Visitation Team. Hospital visitation will be determined on a day-to-day need as noted below.
The Visitation Leader will assign a particular week for you to plan your visits or you can sign up ahead of time on the Visitation Listing at the Welcome Center to best meet your schedule.
The Visitation Leader will stay in communication with the Pastors and the Administrative Assistant to identify any changes in the status/location of those on the Visitation List.
Homebound: It is recommended that you call in advance to provide them with an estimated time for your arrival at their home and to ensure that your visit does not conflict with something else they may have planned. Try to team up with one other person when providing homebound visits.
Hospitals: For those visiting at the hospital, please call the Administrative Assistant, 432-8664 and confirm who is on the Church’s visitation list and the room number. This information is usually available by 10 A.M.
Nursing Homes/ Rehabilitation: Follow the listing in your Sunday Bulletins for persons and locations. If there has been a change that we know about, you will be notified by the Visitation Leader.
Also, if you note a change in status/ location of the person you are visiting, contact Administrative Assistant, [email protected] or 814-432-8664